Client: Caravan Industry Association
Location: Perth, WA
Project Brief: The Caravan Industry Association is the peak national body for the caravanning and camping industry in Australia. The organisation’s vision is, “To lead and champion a robust, compliant and sustainable caravanning and camping industry in Australia”.
It operates as a not-for-profit organisation with a membership base comprising the individual state caravanning and camping associations, who they work collaboratively with on matters concerning the caravanning and camping industry in Australia.
The Coffey and Tea team worked on:
- Content marketing and management
- Website development
- SEO management
The RAC Caravan and Camping Show website is a key element in the marketing strategy for the show. The Coffey & Tea team redeveloped the website content ensuring the quality of content reflected the engaging and exciting nature of the show.
Coffey & Tea ensured the content was planned and structured for the way people consume content online and that SEO best practices were implemented.