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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

How businesses can tailor communications during Coronavirus

There’s no doubt about it, the Coronavirus has impacted everyone around the world, from the smallest of businesses to the biggest.

A lot lies outside our control, but how we respond to the challenges we face is something every one of us can control. 

Remember that life saying, it’s not what happens to you but how you react that matters? That currently applies to the business and personal challenges we’re all facing right now. 

We want to support your communications efforts and to do just that, we’ve compiled our top communication tips to guide your responses.  

Stay up to date with the latest Government news

Most Australian State’s are now coming out of pandemic lockdowns with restrictions frequently easing. Unfortunately, that’s not to say things can’t change at any point with a new cluster outbreak, just as we’re now seeing in Victoria

Stay up to date with the latest information from your local State Government Health Department, the Federal Government and the WHO. Monitoring the situation regularly will allow you to adapt quickly should you need to.

Share important information quickly with your customers

We’re lucky to live in times where we can quickly and easily talk to our customers and target audience at the click of a button. 

Be sure to only share Coronavirus information that directly impacts your business or ways of working. Your audience doesn’t need a play-by-play of the news, that’s what news channels are for. They do need to know if your business hours are changing or if someone has tested positive after being at/involved in your business. 

Have a contingency plan

The WHO stated in a recent press conference that the world hasn’t yet seen the peak of the pandemic. That’s a better reason than any, to ensure you have a contingency plan, especially for hospitality and tourism businesses

Perhaps your restaurant contingency plan includes switching to a delivery service within your local area or offering takeaway especially during your busiest times of service. 

Utilise relevant platforms 

There’s no point of creating a new Twitter account and posting updates to it, if that’s not where your customers are or where they know to find you. 

Utilise your existing digital channels that you’d normally use such as your website, Instagram or Facebook. Make it even easier for your audience to see your posts by pinning important posts to the top of your Facebook page or a similar feature on your website. 

Create tailored responses for your team

One of the most important things when it comes to communicating with your target audience is being consistent, even when it’s not Coronavirus times. 

Keep your responses clear and concise and share them with your team to ensure the same message is always being delivered to avoid any confusion for your customers. 

Compile your frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Chances are if you’re being asked the same questions frequently, there will be more people who are going to ask them again in the future.

Make it easier for your customers by compiling a neat, easy to read FAQ section that can be found on your website. Don’t forget to let your audience know they exist through a social media post and a link in your bio.

If you need some help crafting your brand messages at this time, please get in touch and we can discuss the next step.